Monday, January 24, 2011

A letter from a jungle pastor...

Thank you so much for your prayers on our behalf and those of our REAP NORTH Peru team. I wanted to share this letter that one of our team mates received from a pastor in the jungle telling about what God is doing in the Amazon Region. Please read and celebrate with us how God is moving and using churches from the USA to plant churches in Peru.

Hello my Brother. I am very happy to send you this letter because I just got back from trip was a wonderful trip, I put a new name to the mission , YAHUAS IN CHRIST.

thanks for your prayers and support, we now have 8 churches in the villages and 7 groups in the future with the help of our God will be with leaders Churches.

We have a total of 668 believers that includes believers of my Church and children are also counted all these people recognized Christ only forgive them and give them eternal love.

This year we built together with the brethren of my church two chapels in the villages and we are praying for the Lord to provide to buy the land for our church.

We visited the river Atacuary and Mayoruna , . Now the river is growing that enables us to visit more villages we are visiting, Primavera , May 2, san juan, and Cajo cuma, these people are very excited to serve the Lord. pray for Cajo cuma this is a small town but where there are more people of the tribe Yahua. I hope when you come do not forget to take it beyond me a fishing rod, because in this river of this village are a lot of fish. I hope to stay a week my brother we have much to visit but I'd spend a little time to fish.

Please help me in prayer in this. I have to meet 100 youth from the villages for a retreat in Monte Carmelo that will last a week- the 3rd-7th of January. I am praying that you will be able to be there. We hope to have a week of prayer, preaching, and Bible study. I am dividing each village to bring different foods like bananas, meat, fish, etc. I will be leaving this week for 2 weeks to confirm which villages and with youth will be able to come. Please pray for Tania’s health. She will be going to Lima again in January. Continue praying also so that this trip I will be able to take Bibles and study books with me to the villages. I don’t have any to give right now. Thank you so much for all of your support and prayers this year. Continue praying for the boat’s motor because it is failing. Until now it has been a great motor and it has been a great blessing to us during these 5+ years. Next week we are excited because we will be taking hot chocolate and Panetton (a special christmas bread) to villages such as November 9th and several others. This is a tradition in Peru and it is very sad for children who don’t get to eat Panetton during Christmas time. Many hugs in Christ,

Pastor Francisco

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